Handbag brands australia

When searching for the perfect handbag, it is almost automatic to explore beyond our borders to find something made internationally. Even we have been guilty of starting our search for the ideal bag with global brands before looking at our artisans.

Many Australian brands offer the same attention to detail, high-quality materials, and careful craftsmanship as world-renowned maisons. They can do even better because they have local creatives behind them. They design with Australian women in mind. This woman values quality, aesthetics, and practicality equally.

We’ve compiled a list of the top Australian designer handbags to consider for your next purchase. We’ve covered you, from household names like Oroton to lesser-known labels like Jain + Peta and Sans Beast.


Oroton, founded in 1938, is synonymous with quality craftsmanship. Its design is reminiscent of European style but has an Australian-style laidbackness. Sophie Holt is the creative director of Oroton. She has been responsible for the production of cult favorite handbag styles.

Poppy Lissiman

Poppy Lissiman is best known for its sunglasses but has been making bags since 2011. Poppy Lissiman’s bags are often seen on the arms and shoulders of celebrities on social media. You may have even seen them without realizing it. You can think of metallic shell-adorned bags and the signature knot croissant bag. Poppy Lissiman bags are proudly made from faux leather or vegan textiles.

Jain + Peta

Peta + Jain, a relatively new brand in the Australian accessories market, is already a favorite among handbag enthusiasts. Peta + Jain creates vegan bags that embody “affordable luxurious” and are shaped to fit current trends. They can be used for brunch or at the office.

The Horse

In recent years, the Horse brand has evolved into a much more popular watch and handbag label. The Horse is focused on classic leather goods and timeless designs. They offer every style of bag imaginable, from crossbody bags to vintage-inspired handbags.

Status Anxiety

Status Anxiety is another brand that bucked trends and opted for classic pieces. Handcrafted handbags with simple styles and high-quality leather are what you can expect. This Sydney-based company is an excellent choice if you want a bag with a minimalist look.

Brie Leon

Brie Leon is known for its semi-precious jewelry, but you may need to know that they also offer a wide range of handbags. The brand is inspired by vintage and heirloom pieces. It hopes that the bags will become your keepsakes. Brie Leon releases only two collections per year. This thoughtful approach adds to the timeless quality of the pieces. If you are worried about wearing such unique pieces regularly, don’t worry. Each bag was designed with functionality in mind.

Dylan Cain

We’re unsure how you missed the distinctive hallmarks of Dylan Kain bags, heavy metal hardware sculpted in the I+II symbol on your social media feeds. Three sisters founded Dylan Kain, and the logo is a tribute to their beginnings. The brand strives to make bags as stylish as they are comfortable. The brand is to be noticed. It’s convenient but also edgy and can provide excitement.

Rylan Studios

Rylan Studio is Brooke Testoni’s handbag line. You are probably already aware of this if you follow her on social media. Each bag in Australia uses the best European leather and is designed to match Testoni’s favorite colors. While the bags themselves are classic and timeless, they are also designed to be versatile.

Maison de Sabre

Maison de Sabre is keeping the monogramwave roaring as we eagerly ride it. The brand offers a personalized product for those who need help finding the right match in the ready-made range. It allows you to customize its signature style, the Mini Tote. What more could you want? Premium top-grain leather bags with enough space for your essentials and your moniker emblazoned on them.

Mimmi Terra

The perfect eco bag. Mimmi Terra is the ideal bag for a beach stroll or if you are traveling. These colorful, sweet woven pieces have a hint of whimsy. Gold Coast-born brand gives back to the community in a small but tangible way. With each purchase, they donate $1 for you on behalf of one of your three favorite charities.


Australian footwear label LMS, best known for its Nineties-inspired pieces loved by Emma Roberts and Whitney Port, has launched an eye-catching new handbag collection. Lisa Seskin is the Bondi-based LMS founder. “My goal was to create statement pieces that elevate your wardrobe. A killer handbag certainly falls under that umbrella,” she says. It’s a no-brainer to offer loyal customers the perfect bag to go with their favorite shoes.

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